I'm going to post something that I commented on someone else's blog regarding insurance companies...
Insurance plans really suck. I have no prescription plan, and pay over $200 for every drug each month and at least a $52 copay at every appointment with about at least 2 appointments a week. And this insurance plan won't cover IVF at all. I'll therefore have to agree with how bad insurance plans are.
I actually had a new insurance plan option offered this year which was really really cheap a month and I'd save so much money - and it had a prescription plan, as well as a dental plan (which my current insurance also doesn't have), but my doctor wasn't on the plan, and even if he was, it only covered 15 appointments with the same doctor for one year - and I go way more than 15 times! I feel as if I must be dying to be going to the doctor that many times, but 15 is so little compared to how many times I see my doctor!
15 years ago